Training & Coaching

Empower Yourself on Two Wheels

Are you ready to take your love for cycling to the next level? At Energise Cycles, we're excited to offer comprehensive certified training that equips you with the knowledge and skills to care for your bike effectively. 

Our training covers a wide spectrum, from bike maintenance to ride leading training, or private and group coaching to help you become a better rider!

Basic bike maintenance

Understanding the basics of bike maintenance is crucial for every cyclist. Our training program starts here, ensuring you have a solid foundation to keep your bicycle running smoothly. From tire pressure checks to gear adjustments, we'll guide you through the essentials, empowering you to handle everyday bike care with confidence.


Trailside fixes for peace of mind

When you're out on the trail, a sudden mechanical issue can quickly dampen your spirits. But fear not! Our training includes invaluable tips and techniques for common trailside fixes. Learn how to tackle on-the-go repairs and get yourself back in the saddle, ensuring your rides remain enjoyable and worry free.


Cleaning and servicing for longevity

Regular cleaning and servicing are key to prolonging the life of your bike and maintaining its optimal performance. Our training covers in depth cleaning procedures and servicing techniques that go beyond the basics. Discover how to meticulously care for your bike, ensuring it stays in peak condition for years to come.


Home Mechanic 

Are you passionate about maintaining your own bike but eager to expand your skills? We offer detailed instruction in essential tasks such as bicycle maintenance, gear indexing, brake adjustment, and component replacement. Gain hands on experience and the confidence to independently maintain and enhance your bike with the guidance of our expert instructors.


Something More? 

Is there something specific you want to learn? Maybe you want to work on bleeding hydraulic brakes or building wheels, let us know and we can help you


Join us at Energise Cycles and embark on a journey of self sufficiency in bike care. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the ropes or an experienced cyclist seeking to enhance your skills, our training programs are tailored to meet your needs. Empower yourself to be a more confident and capable cyclist by investing in your bike maintenance knowledge.




Whether you are a novice or a seasoned rider, our expert instructors are here to enhance your skills and confidence on the saddle.

Mountain bike Instructors Award Scheme (MIAS)


Our comprehensive training programs cater to cyclists of all levels, offering ride leading training, private and group coaching, and various mountain bike rides.


We offer Mountain bike Instructors Award Scheme (MIAS) courses:


L1 & 2 Mountain bike Ride Leader


L1 - 3 Road Ride Leader


L1 - 3 GEARS award - bike skills including braking, changing gears, cornering, alternating speed, bike anatomy, learning about your environment (collecting litter etc) and an overall picture of basic maintenance


L1 - 3 Mountain bike Skills - teach to ride MTB terrain.  Including bike setup, position, gears, braking, climbing/ descending, cornering, drops, track stands and lifting a wheel


Get in touch to find out more about prices and upcoming course dates.


Get in touch to book your coaching session with Joe today

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